Saturday, September 20, 2008
Juju wrote Counting up days........... at 9:25:00 PM.
I didn't get a chance to see abang online..............................
But I finally can call him.....................
I miss someone..........................
and guess what?
He's back ONLINE.........................
I'm super excited though....
But I need to keep myself focus....
As exams will be around the corner..................
Bui, what are they doing right now?
Busy exploring Leeds and Liverpool?
I MISS BOTH OF THEM........................
With love,
ShaP/s: Fie, kuatkan semangat. Itulah lumrah hidup. Cekalkan hati saja.... InsyaALLAH semuanya pasti okay.
And thanks usai dikit2 this blog. Hahaha... Kinda boring masa tu, lazy to revise my Physics, so I change lah skin nya. Like it?