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May 2008+ Previous Posts +
Why Shadoom?+ Song +
I went to my grandma’s home at this harmonious kampong Birau. As soon as my foot reached to the ground, I quickly rushed into her home and searched for Darsih, her maid.
What for? Cucur sayur… Hehehe!
I truly missed the cucur sayur. It’s a mixture of cabbage with slices of red carrot and you add some flour with a little bit of aji-no-moto. Then cooked in deep oil, hmm… tasty~
Anyway, I think she already expected us datang kali that time, so she already prepared with all the ingredients. Tau masak saja. While waiting, I chat via Lappy Shadoom…
Inda la batah after that, the food is ready to be served. Yummy~ I really miss the cucur, so I ate with with appetite. I didn’t realize that I actually ate ALL of it, without living a single cucur pun for my mum and grandma. Sorry~ So Darsih cooked the cucur again for mum and grandma. Pelahap Shadoom a. Hahaha!
Anyway, you might be wondering where I am right now. I’m at the study room and the food is served on my table bah, so I ate it la. My mum and grandma, well, as usual, talking about ‘someone’ whom they hate so much, no other than ‘He-who-must-be-killed-somehow’. Maybe durang didn’t perasan there’s food waiting for them on my study table bah, iatah Shadoom makan tu tarus. Sorry~ Luckily, Darsih sanggup masak lagi. Thanks Darsih.
It’s been a while since I came here. My grandma really missed me. I do miss her as well, including grandpa. So I talked with them for a while and it feels great to be at kampong. Peace and harmony~
Even my cousin, abang Halim is here, with us. He just came back from Lumut, joining the armies marching for their big day, which is today! He looked so tired, alum cukup with his upset thingy. He told me la, anyway, I miss you too, cousin. Batah inda jumpa. Hohoho!
Anyway, I’m off dulu. So, sayonara and God bless everyone…