Monday, May 26, 2008
Juju wrote Shadoom in the house... at 2:55:00 PM.
Hey y'all... What's up girl? I'm Shadoom... well, I prefer Sha plang, but Shadoom pun okay. Bah Shadoom tah... Haaha!!!
Story for today: Banyak berangan... Kuheheh! Tapi siuk laaa.... Love it. Always thinking about him... excluding masa belajar laaa... Better get my head in the game peeps OR ELSE!
Masa Chemistry, siuk la studying about enzymes... To be honest, memang bangang pulang sedikit. But, I don't know why I feel so excited blajar tadi. Hmm... berkat 'itu' kali. Hahaha!
Overall, today Sha besemangat study la. Semangat abis. Even tadi Sha awal bangun, around 5am kali, or something like that laaa... Whoaa~ Baru yaaa...
Errr... what else aa? Hmm... Sha punya hidup yang sempurna... Hey, my life is always good kali aa!
Ok laaa, Sha update next time k... Keep-in-touch with the rainbow GFFs..
Go, Sha-Fifi-Juju...
With Love >>>> Shadoom the Physics one! *wink
P/S: Always love you girls... Stick together, mesra-mesra...