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My third paper tomorrow!
Shadoom in the house...
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Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Juju wrote Biology 31 - DONE! at 5:49:00 PM.

Biology Paper 31, done! Yipehh! And it wasn't tough as I expected few weeks before. On histology part, I was concentrating more on plant.. and it was like a dream come true. Banar woh, section of leaf. He-he. Yang keluar atu, Xerophyte, which I read last minute ah! Wheeee! And another section was on food test, which me and Juju expecting this to come out. Wheee lurus Ju eeeee! Ha-ha. Sanang hati eh. However I believe I lose some marks because of my carelessness, panic sangat wah aku tadi ah. :/

Eh, before I continue, skip dulu ah, let me tell you a story about this morning. I set my mobile phone alarm at 4.00 AM, oh well kan membaca Biology lagi. Bari ingau hati kali ah~ But, I only manage to wake up when it was 4.45 AM. Atu pun terpaksa ku memajal mataku. He-he. After reading, I prayed and took my shower. I think it was 6.15 AM when I'm done with my showering. Suddenly, came up in my mind, "Jangan lupa bawa I.C,". And I was like, "Okay I.C. Ada di atas meja." But when I take a look, NADA! Here and there ku mencari, NADAAA! I try to remember where I last saw it.. Yang ku terpikir tu nah bagas Exam General Paper last Friday. Kan menangis ku mencari woh~ Tapi inda pulang ku menangis. He-he.

Before meneruskan perjuanganku mencari I.C, aku bersiap dulu bertudong and packed my books and stuffs. Sanggup ku inda sentuh my breakfast. Dalam hati, LAPARR KUU! :/ Then, ku sikut bag ku ah. Sana sini ku mencari lagi, memajal ni inda ku puas hati bah! Sampai eh dalam 10 minit ku mencari ah. Rupanya, di mana nah? Arah bag sikut ku ah! Mental ku tarus! GAHH! Atu pun ku jumpa bila sampai di sekulah. Sampai inda lagi ku ter-miss called Bebeh-ku Si Asim. And because of that jua, no good luck greeting from him. :/ But it's okay though, he greeted me earlier udah. He-he.

Okay come back with my first story. Tadi I'm sitting with Mayyer. I'm so glad that she's accompanying me, because kan I'm easily panic bah if somebody I'm not familiar with is sitting next to me. Too bad I'm on the first session, with the upgraders. Yang freshie (sp?) pun dalam 5 urang saja, including myself. However, I can feel that I'm blessed, being on the first session.. Lakas abis, lakas sanang hati~ Alhamdulillah~

10.00 AM, I'm done. No empty space, I managed to answer all of the questions. I hope I'm doing just fine. A c should be fine, won't be expecting much.

This few days I often heard, "Tikus,". I feel annoyed dikit. Weh kamu tikus-tikus sekalian. He-he. But they made my day. If nada durang, sunyi tuh~ Siapa nah? Si Betty a.k.a Tikus Kaling and Juju a.k.a Tikus mondok yang *****. Ada censored lagi tuh. Ha-ha. Without Agnaes and Sha jua, sunyi weh~ Sayang kamu semua! Wheeee..

Though we seems a bit playful (a bit kah jua. He-he), we're always serious on our study (but not that always jua lah. =D). So I wanted to WISH MY DARLENX A VERY GOOD LUCK FOR TOMORROW'S MATHEMATICS PAPER 4. (:

I'm off. Some pictures.. Wheeee!


Comel~ Siapa ne ah?

My new shoe, I love it. He-he. Jeles ku liat Juju ada, aku mawo jua! (:

Bungeee. Eh salah, Orchid~

Sunday with Memet.

Assalammualaikum. God bless everyone!
