Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Pijah wrote My boring day... & some K-News.... at 4:11:00 PM.

Hello my gorgeous girlfriends! Hehe.
Fie's currently bored out of my mind. Everything
yang Fie
buat seems boring to me. Nothing really cheer me up. Huh..
Firstly, Fie wish you both all the best for your coming June A Level.. You guys can do it! Good luck!!
Last night, Fie
tengok Entertainment Weekly
arah KBS and and and... guess what? Fie was surprised to see
Kim Joong Hoon! The clip was short saja, less than 2 minutes
kali, and I'm sure
Sha sudah tengok kali... Dalam clip atu,
Kim Joong Hoon malu-malu kan buka cap-
nya since
rambutnya pindik berabisan ah.. Hehe. And to my surprise
jua, a lot of his fans come to cheer him and say goodbye. It was up to 500 fans I think, and some of them came from China! Woah! His fans was so supportive
He said something hilarious ah. He was asked what is he going to do
arah army atu, then he answered that he wanted to carry the gun and throw some grenade. Haha! Fie
inda tahu pun yang ia ni ada '
violent' side. Hehe. *
Kirai-kirai arah Sha*
And lagi, I've a bad news... Especially for
Juju and me
Joo Ji Hoon kedapatan mengedar/mengunakan dadah. It wasn't just a rumor,
tapi ia adalah betul... I'm so disappointed to hear this news about him... I mean,
cana buleh? WTH?!! Huhu. Whatever it is, I hope he'll change for good
lah ah...
Segala movie and concert
yang bakal diadakan pun sudah kana cancel. Huhu.
Hehe. That's enough about K-news kali. Hehe.
Sha, thanks for the greeting (bagi pihak
Asim). Hehe.
Will update more soon. I miss you both so much.