Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Juju wrote Happy 2nd Anniversary Friendship girls.. at 10:15:00 PM.
Happy Anniversary Friendship to my lovely and sweet girlfriends,
Sha and
Woseh, it's been two years
udah kita rapat banget neh. I would like to say million thank yous for both of your kindness
selama kita rapat ani, and also.. I'm sorry
kalau menyinggung perasaan kamu. I'm sorry I cried in front of both of you. I'm sorry
kalau ada ulahku yang menyakiti hati kamu. Oh man, there's just a lot of things to be said. Is this some kind of confession or what? He-he.
Anyways, we celebrate this day at
Sha's place (as always!). As planned, I sleepover there.
Yippehh! Thank you girls for your present.
Sha, I love your present! And
Juju, so sweet of you
eh bagi a kind of
surat-cinta. He-he.
Isi kandungan surat itu diketegorikan under confidental! Ha-ha.
The most favorable part is.. eating time! Ha-ha.
Bukan pulang suka makan.. I love it, when
kami di dapur masak-masak.. well in the same time gossiping with each other. Today is so special that, we hired a photographer (unprofessional one). And she is....
Juju! Ha-ha!
Suspenn! And we get to taste
masakan sendiri, and I was like.. gosh, I'm really good at cooking (scramble eggs only!)
The most exciting part is, when we fool around each other.. Ha-ha. Gosh, it's too embarrassing to tell everyone this. (x
I enjoy my day, thank you girls.
Created by; Fifi HAB.
Posted by; Fifi HAB @ July 12th, 2008; 10:30 PM.